Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
Aims of our School
To promote an environment where all would experience Christian community living, feel personally valued and be helped to develop and celebrate a personal commitment to Christ and His church
To achieve this all staff and pupils will:
- work together to build a Christian Catholic community within the school and appreciate each person’s contribution to every aspect of school life
- encourage and foster mutual respect towards each other by being polite and understanding
- create a welcoming atmosphere for all who come into contact with our school
- celebrate our commitment to Christ and His church through appropriate sacramental programmes and liturgies for children, parents, staff and parish members
- encourage individual prayer and collective worship in class, at home and in church
To provide a broad, balanced, relevant curriculum enabling each pupil to discover his/her full potential in academic, aesthetic, spiritual, moral and social dimensions
To achieve this the school will:
- give all children access to a curriculum which would enable them to develop skills of literacy, oracy, numeracy to the highest possible level
- enable each child to express him/herself through a variety of media e.g. artistic - creative - musical - physical activities
- develop lively enquiring minds by exposing the children to various aspects of research and discovery
- use outside agencies and their expertise to help meet special educational needs if required
- provide extra curricular activities to develop further particular skills and talents
To develop in the children a respect and responsibility for themselves, others and their environment - together with a deep appreciation for and sensitivity to the needs and rights of others
To achieve this the school will endeavour to foster attitudes of mutual care and respect for everybody by:
- developing self-esteem by acknowledging and rewarding people’s efforts in contributing to all aspects of the school community
- fostering within the children a respect for discipline and school rules encouraging care of school and personal property providing opportunities for children to share and celebrate each other’s talents and achievements
To enable pupils to have the competence and the confidence to make a positive contribution to Christian family life - life in the parish and to the wider society
To achieve this the school will:
- strive to give every child opportunities to experience success
- foster positive relationships with peer groups and adults by opportunities afforded through social activities as a way forward to living a responsible, happy, fulfilled life in society