If you would like a paper copy of anything found on our website, please contact the office and we will be happy to provide you with whatever you require.
Mr M McLoughlin, Principal
Mrs L. Gardner, Office Manager
For enquiries from parents and the public: l.gardner@stm-lumenchristi.org.uk
Whilst Mrs Gardner is on maternity leave, please contact the office at enquiry@stm-lumenchristi.org.uk
Mrs A. Nicholls, SENCO
For enquiries about our special educational needs provision: a.nicholls@stm-lumenchristi.org.uk
Fr Christopher , Chair of Governors
To write to our Chair of Governors, please send your letter via the school address above and mark the envelope 'confidential'.
St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
Horse Shoes Lane
B26 3HU
Telephone: 0121 743 3289
Email: enquiry@sttommor.bham.sch.uk
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