Please note: The online blended learning mirrors what children are learning in school.
If you or your child need support from your class teacher, please email;
Miss Matts:
Miss Wheeler:
’Christ is the centre of our School community, where we live, love and learn together’
We work hard and uphold high standards in a caring loving environment.
This is the message St. Thomas More Catholic Primary school upholds and promotes to its children and community.
Year 1 Team
Miss Wheeler
Miss Matts
Mrs Davis
Mrs Craig
During our science topic on weather we made our own windmills and took them outside to see how windy it was.
During November we had a special Remembrance Assembly where people from the Armed Forces came into school and spoke to us about their jobs and how it is 100 years since the end of World War One. Our school presented them with a basket of goodies for all of those who are in the Armed Forces and are at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
The Rosary
During October we went to the prayer garden and took part in a special prayer service for Our Lady. We made our own class rosary beads
Inspire Workshop during the Autumn Term based on Phonics. We welcomed the parents in and informed them about the Letters and Sounds scheme that we follow in school. We also spoke about the Phonics Screening test and what they can do to help their children with their phonics.
During our RE lesson we looked at the story of the Good Samaritan and then worked in a group to role play the story. We know that we should treat everyone equally and fairy regardless of our differences.
Year 1 took part in a Dinosaur workshop where they were able to look at fossils and then had an assembly where a T-Rex came into the Hall. They loved their afternoon and were both shocked and amazed to see the dinosaur in school.
We loved our time in the Hall during our Christmas parties. We danced our socks off to some of our favourite songs!
1W Class Christmas Party
We each brought in something to share during our party. We enjoyed sitting together as a class to eat our snacks and share our excitement for Christmas.